The Arch-Way Project is a charity based in Halifax, set up for the purpose of increasing the health and well-being of local communities, especially those living with mental health issues. This includes people on the autistic spectrum, adults with profound mental health problems and the elderly living with or at risk from dementia and those who feel lonely or isolated. We use music, art, beauty therapy and exercise as vehicles to engage with these vulnerable people; teach new skills, build confidence and self-esteem and help people manage their mental health more effectively, in an alternative and non-clinical setting.
We concentrate on empowering people who feel disaffected or live on the fringes of society, many of our service-users feel marginalised and we work with them in rebuilding their confidence in order that they may feel they can re-connect with society. Many of our interventions take the form of social activities, enabling people to make new friends and build new relationships.
We also provide entertainment for the local community, using local musicians and artists.
The Arch-Way Project is a community organisation; our trustees are made up of members of the local communities, and our service-users always have a say in what we do.